City Council

Agendas and Minutes

  Download City Council Agendas and Minutes 2023AGENDA MARCH 7, 2023AGENDA MAR 21 2023AGENDA JAN 17, 2023AGENDA JAN 3, 2023AGENDA FEB 21, 2023AGENDA FEB 7, 2023COUN MIN JAN 17, 2023COUN MIN JAN 3, 2023 2022COUN MIN DEC 20, 2022COUNCIL MIN DEC 6, 2022AGENDA SEPT 6, 2022AGENDA OCT 4, 2022AGENDA OCT 18, 2022AGENDA NOV 15, 2022AGENDA

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Financial Reporting

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Nitro City Council Meetings

When: 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

Where:  Council Chambers – Beside Nitro Police Department located at 497 1st Ave South.

Who:  All meetings are open to the public - *All meetings are streamed on Facebook Live at this time (COVID-19)

Agenda is available the day of the meeting at City Hall

If you have a concern and wish to address it, we are here for you.  Simply contact the mayor’s office, a council member or attend any of the public Nitro City Council meetings.

The City of Nitro believes in a transparent local government.  Thus, all our city documents are available for your perusing.


Bill Javins, Emily Barr, Cynthia Rice McGill, Donna Boggs, Dave Casebolt, Andy Shamblin, Rita Cox, Joe Murphy, Mike Hill

Johnnie Brown City Attorney
